How-to Manual of Eudora Converison Utility

Steps to Convert Eudora to PST, EML, EMLX, MSG, PDF, MBOX, RTF, MBX, HTML format

Here is a step by step Guide to help you with Eudora Conversion process. First, Download the software, and follow these steps to convert Eudora MBX files. Before using the software, make sure that you are using a Windows Operating System Machine. Then launch the software as shown –

Start » Programs » SoftSpire Eudora Converter » SoftSpire Eudora Converter.

Run the software

Now follow these stepts to start performing Eudora Emails Conversion -

Step 1 - Select conversion options

The software provides two options for conversion of both configured and non-configured Eudora emails. Whether you want conversion in single mode or batch mode, you have to select the option accordingly –

  • (a)   Select .mbox/.mbx file(s) – To select each .MBX file one by one or convert one at a time
  • (b)   Select folder having .mbox/.mbx file(s) – To select whole folder containing multiple MBX files at once
Choose Eudora .mbx files from the two options

Step 1 (a) - Select Folder having Eudora .mbx Files

This option provides batch conversion of Eudora .mbx files. The software will auto-detect and navigate you to the root folder of Eudora store location. You just have to click OK and all your Eudora files would get selected at once. This method is a quick and time efficient process.

Add folder having Eudora emails  

Step 1 (b) - Select Eudora .mbx Files

This option allows one by one selection of Eudora .mbx files, using which users can manually select MBX files which they want for conversion.

Note : Only single MBX file is selected at one time. If you want to select 5 differnt MBX files, then you have to repeat the same process 5 times.

Add Eudora .mbx files one by one 

Step 2 - Select Saving Format

Once the MBX files are ready for conversion, its time to select the saving option The software provides 9 differentconversion options such as EML, MSG, PDF, EMLX, RTF, MBOX, MBX, HTML, PST. Choose your desired format for conversion of Eudora emails and click on convert.

choose your desired location to save file 

Step 3 - Select Saving Location

Next, you have to choose a saving location for the converted files. After selecting the saving location, choose any of the file naming option, according to your choice and then click OK button to start the converison.

Select File naming options 

Step 4 - Conversion Complete

Once OK button is clicked, the software will start converting Eudora files and once the process is finished, a new pop-up window will appear showing the message of successful conversion.

conversion complete